A Look
A Poem
You looked at me with light brown eyes
Out of a brown face
All knowing was expressed without you uttering a word
It was pure appreciation, or love, or just a joy so pure that it just made my day to witness it
You know me
I know you
We’re familiar with each other
There’s a comfort there
It’s all good
We feel each other without it ever having to be about sex
We’re the best of friends without even having to be best friends
Such a good life
Such good energy emanating from your direction
You inspire me to make sure there’s always good energy emanating from mine
Such good days
Such warmth present in the spaces where we pass each other by
The same warmth present when we linger and speak, saying so much with repeated looks into each other’s eyes
So much said with a look
I know you’re a good woman
I know you’re good karma
Ah, and your look
Always seems to be so much more than a look
J. Marshall