Jon on the River
2 min readDec 15, 2021

I Can Intoxicate You***

Jon on the River

I can intoxicate you

I’m talking levels of intoxication that are utterly mind-expanding and mind-blowing

You are in your world of the nine to five, the routine drink, the seldom present moment, sure, but still primarily with the world of the mundane

A mundane world that binds you like ropes in order to keep you entwined in this realm of monotony

And you think this is motherfucking normal

But I can inebriate you totally and completely, this state I speak of all devoid of the familiar blackouts that tend to accompany the binges that go along with the routine late night forays

At least for the more dedicated sort

I will make you higher than marijuana toked through the pipe of the mighty green giant, but your lungs will fill with potent tendrils of bliss rather, you’ll be high as fuck but suddenly as sober as ever…yes, indeed weird

You will be aware of the world, you will be aware of you as the world

You will be at ease and exchange mental forays induced by weed for treks into nature where you observe a world of trees and bushes, all painted in countless shades of green

With me comes calm, with me comes comfort, with me comes complete ease even in the face of the deepest uncertainty

I will intoxicate you, every part

Deep enough with the real fabric of life and in turn take this false you and reveal the real you

With me comes everything and more

Peace so deep…

Joy so deep…

Love so deep…

And finally you will no longer be asleep

I am…consciousness

What the hell else did you think?

Jon on the River

Home of my open journal. I will speak about growth and take you through the heaven and hell that makes up this process