Kenneth and Ramirez Talk America
POLITICS(A Fictional Discussion)

Ramirez slammed his beer down on the counter.
“All I can say is fuck Trump, fuck politics, fuck all of it. Shit makes me sick to my stomach to think about what goes on in this world.”
Kenneth nodded. “That’s exactly why I don’t think about it. There are better things to focus on.”
“How can you do that when the shit is everywhere? How when Trump is a piece of shit? Republicans are pieces of shit. Democrats are pieces of shit. Like what the fuck?”
Kenneth chuckled. “You just turn off the TV, don’t go online unless you have to do it for business reasons. Get into meditation. Read a book. Preferably one that’s not about politics unless it’s coming from a higher perspective.”
Ramirez furrowed his brow. “Huh? What’s this higher perspective talk?”
Kenneth shook his head. “Not getting into that one now.”
“Please tell me you vote.”
“Of course, I vote,” Kenneth said, taking a sip of his beer. “You’ve known me too long to ask that shit.”
“So you’re not too high up to get involved in the process but you want to go on with this higher perspective talk.”
Kenneth chuckled. Nodded toward a picture hanging behind the counter of a sunflower.
“Just look at that for a while.”
Ramirez was quiet for the moment, as confused as ever. “What are you on?”
“Until immersing yourself in a picture such as that, or a more mundane item — such as a spoon or fork — and being able to be at peace, well…you won’t understand the idea of a higher perspective.”
After a few more seconds of staring quietly at Kenneth, Ramirez took another sip of his beer, then looked at the small picture of the sunflower hanging behind the bar. He remained like that for roughly fifteen seconds.
“I ain’t understanding shit,” Ramirez said.
“And that describes the world in a nutshell,” said Kenneth.