Kenneth & Ramirez Talk America(A Fictional Discussion)
“Baby,” Sophia said, placing her hands gently on Ramirez’s bare buttocks as he pushed himself deeper into her. Her breath caught, then she exhaled gently. She chuckled.
“I think you have a sex addiction.”
Ramirez burst out laughing. “What?” He’d never had any girl tell him that before. So much for her being girlfriend material. Fuck buddy material, but not worthy of girlfriend status. This was only the third time tonight and she was already saying this?
“It’s starting to hurt,” she said.
“I might have a porn addiction but not a sex addiction,” Ramirez said.
I don’t get enough pussy to have a sex addiction, he thought, surprised by how bothered his was by this comment.
“Well can I at least finish?” Ramirez asked.
Sophia chuckled. “Yeah. Just…just a little slower, okay?”
“Yo, Kenneth, you don’t believe in sex addiction, do you?”
Kenneth was seated on the couch watching a show called Ozark, a McDonald’s bag on the coffee table in front of him. Ramirez had just walked in after having spent the night at Sophia’s place.
Kenneth furrowed his brow. Shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Ramirez took a seat on the recliner. “Why would you? Isn’t it obvious it’s made up?”
“Why would it be obvious?”
“Because every guy below the age of thirty has a sex addiction, if you think about what people describe a sex addiction as. It’s just a made-up term so the pharmaceutical industry can make more money. Prescriptions, consultations with doctors which use insurance, that insurance being something you have to overpay for over the phone with some fucking professional scam artist who speaks in soothing tones meant to serve as a guise to help create the illusion that paying exorbitant amounts of money just so you can be healthy in this world is a normal thing. It’s all bullshit, man. Just one condition in place of another.”
Kenneth sighed. “Yeah, but can someone have an addiction to liquor?”
“Liquor’s a substance. Something you put into your body.”
“You don’t think an addiction can be developed?”
“I’m not a sex addict.”
Kenneth fixed his lips to say something, then paused. “Huh? I’m not saying you’re a sex addict, man. I’m just talking about sex addiction being something that really exists.”
Ramirez waved a dismissive hand. “Sorry. I’m thinking about what this girl told me the other day. Said she thinks I have a sex addiction.”
“And you don’t think you do?”
“You’ve known me forever, man. Do I come off as someone with a sex addiction?”
Kenneth smirked. “Don’t think I’m close enough to you to know.”
“We live in the same place, we’re roommates. We’ve known each other since grade school Of course, you can know. We don’t have to be in a goddamned relationship.”
“Anyway, look,” Kenneth said, unperturbed by Ramirez’s clear irritation as he reached into his McDonald’s bag and pulled out some fries. “Sex addiction is real. Maybe exaggerated. Maybe not as serious as people make it. Maybe not something that a person even needs pills for if they know the right methods for dealing with it, but it’s definitely real. As far as you’re concerned, I don’t know. Maybe this girl was just messing with you. But I guess only you and her would know. But I’ve heard of dudes who fuck three to five different women a day. Guys who have orgies and get syringes stuck in their dicks just to get injected with something to keep them erect and fucking all through the night.”
“This some shit you’ve witnessed?”
Kenneth cackled, shoved some more fries in his mouth. He chewed then continued to speak.
“Yeah, me. Twenty-nine year old, lower class, Kenneth. Can’t live without my routine, weekend orgy. Get real. I read about it. Learned about these things from documentaries.”
“Okay, you’re pretty much talking about dudes that have more access so they get more sex. But just because they get more sex doesn’t mean they have a sex addiction. If I could get more sex I’d be fucking twenty women a day.”
Kenneth snorted. “If you could have your way dude, you probably wouldn’t even be able to keep up five. Yeah, for a few days maybe. But then you’re going to want to settle into something more simple. Maybe one girl on a Monday, another two on a Wednesday. A couple on the weekend. That’d be five in a week and that’d be considered a lot to most people. Plus you can hit the same woman multiple times a day. But five new women every day. You’re not going to keep that up, nor or you going to want to go through the effort.”
Ramirez smiled. “So in that case, you’re saying I don’t have a sex addiction?”
“If you agree with what I said, than no, you probably don’t.” Kenneth grabbed several more fries and shoved them into his mouth. As he was chewing, “But look, I don’t know all the shit you get into when I’m not around, or what you do in your room by yourself.”
“Yeah, well. I guess I’ll just settle on the idea that it’s purely a mental thing. Not to be treated like cancer, or diabetes, or anything like that.”
Kenneth shrugged. “Perhaps. There’s a lot I don’t know about it. But I would assume the ones that have it can’t get sex out of their heads. It’s probably torture for them.”
“Yeah,” Ramirez said, getting up from the recliner. He laughed. “I’m going to call Sophia again tonight. See if she can give me another pussy fix.” He began twitching, imitating a crackhead.
“You’re crazy, man,” Kenneth said, and turned his attention back to the Ozark.